Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare Discord Bot (MWDB) brings your Call of Duty stats and match history directly to your Discord server with a few si

  • Prefix: !mw
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: General
About Modern Warfare

<h1>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | Discord Bot</h1> <p>A bot that helps you bring your (and other players) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) stats to your favourite Discord server with a few usefull commands</p> <br/> <br/> Pull the information of a certain gamemode of a certain player<br/> <code>!mw stats [platform] [gamertag] [gamemode] [gametype]</code><br/> <strong>Example: <code>!mw stats battle iShot#21899 dom</code></strong><br/> <img src=";&gt;&lt;br/&gt; <br/> Receive a list of your (up to 20) previous matches<br/> <code>!mw recent [platform] [gamertag] [limit]</code><br/> <strong>Example: <code>!mw recent battle iShot#21899 3</code></strong><br/> <img src=";&gt;&lt;br/&gt; <br/> Create a list of your top (activision) friends and see how you compare to them<br/> <code>!mw top friends [platform] [gamertag]</code><br/> <strong>Example: <code>!mw top friends battle iShot#21899</code></strong><br/> <img src=";&gt;&lt;br/&gt; <br/>