
FeeshBot is a fun bot with a wide variety of commands, from utility to fun commands and more!

  • Prefix: F?
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Entertainment
About Feesh


FeeshBot is a fun bot with a wide variety of commands, from utility commands, such as userinfo, to fun commands like its trivia game!


Here is a short list of some commands FeeshBot can do:

  • Trivia - FeeshBot has a list of questions which it randomly chooses to test your knowledge!
  • User-Info - You can check the information of a user with this command!
  • Facts - When you run this command FeeshBot sends a random fact to enlighten you with!
  • Topic - Sends a random topic for you and your fellow Discord'ers to debate!
  • Coin Flip - Take your bet! If you guess it right... well... nice luck i guess?

More info

To start off using feeshbot just simply type F?Help to see all the commands. FeeshBot reacts to both upper and lower case text, even in its prefix, meaning you can be lazy whenever you want without consequences! The bot is still being updated and monitored constantly so come and join FeeshBot Official to keep track of all the changes and connect with the rest of the community!

And don't forget to add FeeshBot to your servers!

FeeshBot was made with Discord.js and is hosted on Heroku.