
Core is a Fun Bot with numerous kinds of Commands like meme, tictactoe, Translate, Akinator & Many More!

  • Prefix: %
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Fun
About Core


Core is a Fun and Meme Bot with many Games, Misc & Fun Commands which'll make your Guilds Member's Experience Enjoyable & Fun.


Default Commands: 1) info - To Get the Information about Core. 2) invite - Sends the Invite of Core. 3) support - Sends the Support Server Invite. 4) vote - To vote Core on

Fun Commands: 1) truth - Ask's a random Truth Question. 2) dare - Ask's a random Dare. 3) meme - Posts a random Meme. 4) joke - Sends a random Joke. 5) 8ball - Replies on the Question which you asked. 6) say - Repeats the Message which you mentioned. 7) ques - Ask's a random Question. 8) roast - Roasts the Mentioned User. 9) chat - To chat with the Bot. 10) backtick - Repeats the message in backticks. 11) hack - To hack a User. 12) wyr - Aks's would you rather questions. 13) fact - Gives Random Facts on 5 Topics. 14) impersonate - To Impersonate a user. 15) ascii - Repeats the message in ascii text.

Game Commands: 1) akinator - To Play the Akinator Game. 2) tictactoe - To Play the Tic-Tac-Toe Game in 2 Different languages(It Supports Both, Single Player & Duel). 3) flip - To Flip a Coin. 4) roll - To Roll a Dice. 5) rps - To play Rock-paper-scissor.

Misc Commands: 1) calculate - Calculates the Given Operation. 2) poll - To Create a Poll. 3) avatar - Show's the mentioned user's Avatar. 4) slap - Slaps the Mentioned User. 5) kick - Kicks the Mentioned User. 6) hug - Hugs the Mentioned User. 7) kiss - Gives a Kiss to the Mentioned User. 8) punch - Gives a Punch to the Mentioned User. 9) icon - Show's the servers Icon. 10) wink - Winks the mentioned user. 11) cuddle - Cuddles with the mentioned User. 12) embed - To repeat a message in embeds. 13) announce - To Announce a message. 14) bonk - Bonks the mentioned user.

Moderation Commands: 1) create - To Create a channel. 2) delete - To Delete a channel. 3) serverInfo - To get the Information of a Server. 4) memberCount - To get the Total Number of Member of a Server. 5) userInfo - To get Information about an User. 6) voicekick - To Disconnect a user from the Voice channel. 7) steal - To steal emoji. 8) slowmode - To set slowmode for a Channel.

Search/Track Commands: 1) wiki - To Search for something on Wikipedia. 2) weather - Show's the Weather of the Mentioned City/Country. 3) urban - To get the Definition of a word. 4) youtube - To search for a video on youtube. 6) spotify - To Search for a song on Spotify.

Translation Commands: 1) engTranslate - To Translate some other Language into English. 2) espTranslate - To Translate some other Language into Spanish. 3) frTranslate - To Translate some other Language into French. 3) deTranslate - To Translate some other Language into German. 3) nlTranslate - To Translate some other Language into Dutch. 3) ruTranslate - To Translate some other Language into Russian.

Rate-Counter: 1) simpRate - Returns simp-rate of the user. 2) noobRate - Returns noob-rate of the user. 3) proRate - Returns pro-rate of the user. 4) gayRate - Returns gay-rate of the user. 5) susRate - Returns sus-rate of the user. 6) smort - Returns smort-rate of the user.

Image Generation (13 Commands):


Join the Support Server if you have any issues.
