
Best roleplay bot out there Prefix: * / Creator: Monstie(@necropsied) TRY MY COMMANDS /help /invite /avatar /kiss

  • Prefix: *
  • Library:
  • Category: Fun
About Asterisk

None Interactive These commands do not require a member to be mentioned. • ⠀ smug ​ • ⠀ lewd ​ • ⠀ smile ​ • ⠀ cry ​ • ⠀ angry ​ • ⠀ shrug ​ • ⠀ sleep ​ • ⠀ blush ​ • ⠀ sigh ​ • ⠀ dance ​ • ⠀ *beg ​ • ⠀ awkward ​ • ⠀laugh

• ⠀bored ​ • ⠀drink ​ • ⠀*facepalm

Interactive Every interaction requires the mention of at least one user. • ⠀ baka ​ • ⠀bite ​ • ⠀highfive ​ • ⠀lapsit ​ • ⠀lick ​ • ⠀love ​ • ⠀marry ​ • ⠀massage ​ • ⠀reward ​ • ⠀squish

• ⠀steal ​ • ⠀throw ​ • ⠀wave ​ • ⠀yeet

• ⠀ cuddle ​ • ⠀ hug ​ • ⠀ kill ​ • ⠀ slap ​ • ⠀ bite ​ • ⠀ tickle ​ • ⠀ bully ​ • ⠀ punch ​ • ⠀ kiss ​ • ⠀ pat ​ • ⠀ bonk ​ • ⠀ arrest ​ • ⠀ *kick ​ Thank you for using asterisk<3