Daily Music

Discover new music from a different genre every day and share it with your community!

  • Prefix: /
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Entertainment
About Daily Music

🎧 Daily Music - New music everyday

Discover new music every day, engage your community and increase activity on your server.

👀 Features

  • Set up the system and receive the music of the day, share it with your community and expand your musical culture.
  • Do you only like music from a certain genre? You can choose your favourite genre and only receive music from that genre.
  • Do you like to know everything in detail? Our complete display mode lets you do just that, and for the simplistic, there's our simple display mode!
  • Discover artists similar to your favourite ones.
  • Configure the bot as you like, it has a huge range of possibilities. Automatic threads, classic channel, notification...
  • Keep your community active and engaged.
  • Experience a faster-than-light robot with a fresh, user-friendly interface.
  • Get the lyrics of your favourite music to perfect your karaoke skills.
  • And there's more to come...

    🖇️ Links

  • 📥 Invite Me ! - > https://discord.com/application-directory/1115972980984516719
  • 🪂 Support Server - https://discord.gg/pqjxCxzNC3
  • ✨ Banner - https://imgur.com/IJT18Ow