
GattinhosBot is a little cat with customizable welcome system, reaction roles system, leveling system and logs system

  • Prefix: /
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: General
About GattinhosBot

Bot Info

What features does GattinhosBot have?

GattinhosBot has:

- Welcome System

  • You can choose if have an image with the member info
  • You can customize the background (must be 1100x500 in size)
  • You can choose if have an embed
  • You can customize the color, title, description footer
  • You can customize the embed image (custom or the member info), the footer image (bottom left) and the thumbnail image (top right)
  • You can choose if have the timestamp (the date at the bottom)

- Reaction Roles System

  • You can choose if add a text before the reaction legend
  • You can choose if have an embed
  • You can customize the color, the title, the footer, the embed image and the thumbnail image (top right)
  • You can use both unicode and custom emoji (custom emoji must be in a server with the bot)

- Leveling System

  • You can customize the XP timeout (how often give the XP), the XP rate (Increase or decrease the amount of XP needed for the next level), the level up message
  • You can blacklist users and channels

- Logs System

  • You can choose which logs use through 2 select menus

- Translations

Current avaible languages are

  • Italian (it)
  • English, US (en-US)
  • English, UK (en-GB) Users can contribute to translate the bot in other languages by using the /translate command

What commands does GattinhosBot have?

(<> = required argument | [] = optional argument) GattinhosBot's commands are:

/addwelcome - Allows you to add a welcome message /listwelcome - Gives you a list with all the welcome messages in the server /modifywelcome <id> - Allows you to modify a welcome message /removewelcome <id> - Allows you to delete a welcome message

/addreactionroles - Allows you to add a reaction roles /listreactionroles - Gives you a list with all the reaction roles in the server /modifyreactionroles <id> - Allows you to modify a reaction role /removereactionroles <id> - Allows you to delete a reaction role

/leveling [enabled] - Allows you to enable, disable or modify the leveling system settings /rank [user] - Allows you to see your or another user's rank card /modifyrank - Allows you to change the background image and progress bar color of your rank card /removebgrank [user] - Allows you to remove user's background image (in case it has an unallowed image) /setlevel <user> <level> - Allows you to set user's level to a specific number (resets the XP) /updatelevel <user> <action> <levels> - Allows you to increase or decrease user's level /leaderboard - Gives a leaderboard of the users based on the level

/logs [channel] - Allows you to modify the logs system settings

/help [command] - Gives a list of all the avaible commands or info about a specific command (such has usage or other extra info) /botinfo - Gives some informations and websites about the bot /language - Allows to change bot language /translate [file] - Allows you to contribute to the bot by translatimg it into other languages /privacy - Gives bot's privacy policy