
Everything from ultra dab & clapping at someone, to banning & role creating! FREE fun, moderation, and utilities, everything a

  • Prefix: -
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: General
About GuardianV5.0

Guardian the moderation and fun bot! Guardian is a moderation bot, with some fun and utility thrown in! look below! everything from coinflip, ultra dabbing, and roling a 20 sided die? To banning, kittie gifs and rock paper scissors! List of commands... 📖Information: commands, embed, google, help, invite, ping, poll, stat, suggestion, support, test channels, update, youtube 😂Funnnn: 8ball, ❤, boop, clapit, coinflip, cuddle, DAB highfive, hug, roll, rps, say, die 🎯Extra: big letters, die 20, doggo, facepalm, kitty, ultra dab ⚙Staff only: ban, create channel, create role, delete channel, delete role, nickname, kick, purge, warn 💾More information: Use [CommandName]/? to learn about a command, for example: hug/? ❌Warning:❌ For logging staff commands, channels mod-logs and status-updates are needed. Use the test channels command to find the channels. :)