
A fun chat bot that brings more life into your discord server

  • Prefix: ! (customizable)
  • Library:
  • Category: Fun
About Friday

Friday Discord Bot

GitHub license Discord Chat Vote Add Friday to your server Become a Patron! Will it blend?


Another way to see the full list of commands is by typing !help in a Discord server that I have been invited to. You can also direct message me any commands as well (if you want to keep our conversation more private).

Reddit posts

When someone posts a link to a Reddit post with and image or video, Friday will check to see if there is an available link to grab the video or image from, and then react with a 🔗 emoji. To extract the video or image from the post simply add your own 🔗 reaction to your message. Friday will then send a link the image or download the video and post it.

Reddit posts that wont be extracted include text posts and gallary posts. If there is a post type that i missed please use the !issue command followed by the Reddit post and I will get to work.

Custom sounds

This command will let you make a sub-command that plays a specific link of your choosing. This makes it easier to play a song or sound that you would like to play often without having to find the url every time.

For example if you wanted to play Bruh Sound Effect #2 you can add it to the list like so !c add bruh To then play that sound you would type this command !c bruh.

D&D Dice rolling

Friday can also roll D&D dice for you with the command !d or !r. This command should work with everything on If the command returns with an error please use the !issue command to connect to Friday's support server to explain what happened so I can fix the problem ASAP. A simple example of what this command can do is !d d20 and a more complex example is !r 3d20+d4*3.

Inspirational Quotes

If you ask Friday for an inspirational quote like @Friday could you provide me an inspirational quote Friday will build an image from a JavaScript Canvas with a background from a list and place a string of text from an array overtop of the image then send it as a message attachment

The inspirational quotes command has been disabled for the time being.


Friday can play music in a voice channel with the command !play followed by a search query, a YouTube video URL, or almost anyother video link you can find. At the moment Spotify links doen't work because it requies API keys that I haven't setup yet. Here are examples of those two uses !play uptown funk or !play


Friday can respond to normal chat without the message being directed towards Friday


~~Friday checks if a message is being directed towards Friday if the message contains a mention (@Friday), the word 'Friday' in capital letters or lowercase if the most recent message is from Friday, and Friday will (try) to respond to any messag