
This bot is customizable and made for fun, moderation, and more stuff. Premium Features for free.

  • Prefix: y!
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Economy
About Yuki

What is Yuki?

Yuki is female bot that will do everything for you, and Yuki will helps raiders/spammers keeping out of your server, and removes swearing/invite links/links from your server and keeping it clean. This bot is made for moderation and a lot of commands. Yuki is handled with love and care. Official Twitter | Documents

Command Arguments

The <placeholder> means argument without the command will error out or ask you to provide some args.


The list for the commands isn't completed yet. To view all commands type y!oldhelp, or y!help.


Name Argument Description Permission
ping Gets some stats about the bot and it's online availability. User (Permission Level: 1)
removenick <@User#0000> Removes nick from a mentioned user. Moderator (Permission Level: 2)
dehoist <@User#0000> Dehoists the mentioned user. Moderator (Permission Level: 2)
random Generates a random number. User (Permission Level: 1)
shrug Yuki will do a shrug. User (Permission Level: 1)
profile Get some information about your profile. User (Permission Level: 1)
config Setup your server by using this interactive command. Server Owner (Permission Level: 4)
help Gets help for all commands, or for a specific command if provided User (Permission Level: 1)
botinfo Any bot informations about the author, and the bot libary. User (Permission Level: 1)
serverinfo Shows information about that discord server. User (Permission Level: 1)
roleinfo <Rolewithoutmention> Shows the role information, like the color of the role. User (Permission Level: 1)
anime <animeseries> Gets some information about an anime. User (Permission Level: 1)
illegal Trump signs that word now is illegal forever. User (Permission Level: 1)
hentai Generates some hentai image from nekos.life NSFW Channel
trap Generates some trap image from nekos.life NSFW Channel
4k Generates some real 4k image from reddit NSFW Channel
lewd Generates some lewd image from nekos.life NSFW Channel
anal Generates some anal imag