
Scale is a multi function bot, you can get some dog pics, manage roles, get various informations and many other things.

  • Prefix: s!
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: General
About Scyther

<h1 id="commands">Commands</h1> <h2 id="admin">Admin</h2> <ul> <li><strong>s!addrole [user] [role]</strong> - Add a role to an user on your server, in order to assign a role the bot role must be above the others.</li> <li><strong>s!ban [user] [reason]</strong> - Ban an user from the server.</li> <li><strong>s!clear [number]</strong> - Delete an amount of messages, the number must be between 2 and 100.</li> <li><strong>s!kick [user] [reason]</strong> - Kick an user from the server.</li> <li><strong>s!mute [user] [ms]</strong> - Mute an user for a specific amount of time, you have to create a new role called mute to make the command work.</li> <li><strong>s!removerole [user] [role]</strong> - Remove a role of an user.</li> </ul> <h2 id="info">Info</h2> <ul> <li><strong>s!help or s!help [commandName]</strong> - Display the list of commands if you just type s!help or if you type s!help commandName display the current command info.</li> <li><strong>s!info</strong> - Get the bot info.</li> <li><strong>s!invite</strong> - Get the invite of the bot and of the server support.</li> <li><strong>s!mcinfo [server ip]</strong> - Get info about a Minecraft server, like online players and the motd.</li> <li><strong>s!uptime</strong> - Get bot uptime.</li> <li><strong>s!userinfo</strong> - Get your user info.</li> <li><strong>s!serverinfo</strong> - Get server info.</li> </ul> <h2 id="random-stuff">Random stuff</h2> <ul> <li><strong>s!distance [latitude1] [longitude1] [latitude2] [longitude2]</strong> - Get the distance between the sets of coordinates</li> <li><strong>s!dogs</strong> - Find some cute dog pictures.</li> <li><strong>s!flipcoin</strong> - Flip a coin.</li> <li><strong>s!meme</strong> - Get the best memes! They are funny!</li> <li><strong>s!ping</strong> - Ping the bot.</li> <li><strong>s!randomcolor</strong> - Generates a random hex color with preview.</li> <li><strong>s!rolldice</strong> - Roll a dice.</li> <li><strong>s!afk [status]</strong> - Set you to afk.</li> <li><strong>s!weather [location]</strong> - Get the forecast information for a location.</li> </ul>