Original ATRAR

  • Prefix: a!
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Fun


Is a fun and roleplay bot, You can have fun when you using the bot, The bot contains too many fun commands and a few cool stuff

First of all

do a!help to get all the commands of the bot and also the help

What the bot do?

Basically, the bot is just for fun, What else?

You could use the bot to troll, make jokes or even do some cool stuff

You could use a!dare (user) to dare him or a!truth (user) to make him say a truth also, you can do an a!gaymeter (user) to see someone's gay meter and there's a few cool stuff to do tho


Good News The bot is now ready to use and the beta finished, You could add the bot now to your server Working on the moderation commands when it is be finished I will say here


The Premium Canceled! It will be added soon This bot was added before on and it's approved