
A moderstion bot with music and other stuff.

  • Prefix: m1 or m!
  • Library:
  • Category: Moderation
About Moderatus



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What is Moderatus?

Moderatus is a bot, made by the one and only MrDragonBoi ඞ#7894. He is a former node.js dev and much more.


Again, MrDragonBoi ඞ#7894 was a node.js dev, but he had issues with his bot, so he went with Hard, but well, good.


Here are some of Moderatus' commands.

Music commands

Command Description Usage
Play Plays a song via URL or query play <song_name or url>
Stop Stops the bot from playing music stop
Now Shows the currently playing song now
Loop Loops the current song loop
Remove Removes a song from the queue remove <song>
Join Joins the same music channel you're in join
Queue Searches up the current music queue queue
Skip Skips a song skip

Misc commands

Command Description Usage
Botinfo Shows the bot's current stats botinfo
Support Shows the link to the bot support server support
Avatar Looks up the avatar of another user avatar <user>
Serverinfo Shows the server's stats serverinfo
Ping Shows the bot's latency ping
Privacy Required under Discord ToS privacy
Invite Shows a link to invite Moderatus invite
Vote Shows link(s) to vote for Moderatus vote
Help Shows all commands or usage of one help [command]

Owner commands

Command Description Usage
Post Post server stats post
Eval Evaluates Python code eval <code>
Reload Reload a cog reload <cog>
Unload Unload a cog unload <cog>
Load Load a cog load <cog>

Moderation commands

Command Description Usage
Purge Mass delete any messages purge <amount>
Unmute (This command is in Beta) Unmutes a user from a guild unmute <user>
Unban Unbans a user from a guild unban <user>
Warn Warns a user warn <user>
Mute (This command is in Beta) Mutes a user in a guild mute <user>
Kick Kicks a user from a guild kick <user>
Ban Bans a user from a guild ban <user>



Moderatus' Prefix is m1 or m!. It can also be mentioned.

Other Info

