
Eclipse is a Moderation, Fun, Utility and Music Bot with plenty of features. This is the Bot every Server needs.

  • Prefix: e!, customizable
  • Library:
  • Category: General
About Eclipse


You are searching a Discord Bot with many features?\ Then maybe this Bot is something for you.\ The Eclipse Bot has Moderation, Utility, Music and Fun features.\ So what else is there to think about? Click on the invite Button.\ Here is a List of our Commands yet : \


e!changeprefix - Change the Bots Prefix \ !ATTENTION! You have to tag the Bot once with @Eclipse to use this Feature


(fun, utility, music, moderation, giveaway)

e!help fun\

e!dice - The dice\ e!lost - The Lostometer

e!help utility\

e!userinfo - Informations about a Member\ e!avatar - The Avatar of a Member\ e!embed - Send a Message in an Embed\ e!poll - Create a Poll\ e!clear - Clear Messages from Chat\ e!nuke - Clears a whole channel\ e!delete - Delete a channel\ e!gstart - Create a Giveaway\ e!invite - Invite the Bot to your Server\ e!server - Invite for our Support Server\ e!ping - Pong!

e!help music\

e!play - Play a Song\ e!join - Joins your Voice Channel\ e!pause - Pauses the Music\ e!resume - Resumes the Music\ e!leave - Leaves the Voice Channel\ e!stop - Stops the Bot\ e!skip - Skips the Song\ e!queue - Shows the Queue\ e!remove - Removes a Song from the Queue\ e!shuffle - Shuffles the Queue\ e!volume - Setup the Bots volume

e!help moderation\

e!kick - Kick a Member\ e!ban - Ban a Member\ e!unban - Unban a User\ e!mute - Mute a Member\ e!unmute - Unmute a Member\ e!warn - Warn a Member

e!help reaction\

e!reactadd - Add a Reaction Role\ e!reactremove - Remove a Reaction Role