
LogBot is a logging bot that logs many things happening in your server!

  • Prefix: L.
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Logging
About LogMania

Log Bot

Prefix: L.

LogBot is a semi-complex logging bot that logs many things happening in your server! (If something isn’t logging that you want to be logged in the future, you can suggest it in the support server.)

LogBot logs things from channel creations, edits, and deletion to complete server logs, role logs, and member logs.

If you ever need help, you can join the support server by using L.support

To get started, use L.help and L.help [commandName] to get info on a certain command and it’s usage.

The bot also has fun commands like L.cat, L.dog, sever info command, role info command, and more!

LogBot uses webhooks to post the specified logs.
