
Kasumi is the perfect music bot for your server. With 10+ HD music filters, 34 music stations and reaction commands now!

  • Prefix: &
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Music
About Kasumi

The best music bot you could ever use! With amazing audio quality, Kasumi is the perfect music bot for your server. With 10+ HD music filters now!


&ping - Checks the ping of the bot.

&help - Gets the list of all the commands.

&about - Sends the information about the owner of Kasumi.

&invite - Gets a permanent invite link of the bot.

&loop - Plays the the song on loop.

&lyrics (ly) - Gets the lyrics of the current song playing.

&np - Shows you the current song playing.

&pause - Pauses the current song playing.

&play (p) - Searches for a song from youtube.

&queue (q) - Shows the queue of the songs playing.

&remove - Removes the song from the queue.

&resume - Resumes the song.

&shuffle - Shuffles the playlist.

&skip - Skip to the next song.

&skipto - Skip to a specific song form the queue.

&stop - Stops the bot and ends the queue.

&volume - Changes the volume of the current song that is playing.

&uptime - Returns the uptime of the bot.

&vote - Sends the link to vote for Top.gg.


Try the new audio filters on your music!

● &filter 8D

● &filter normalizer

● &filter bassboost

● &filter vaporwave

● &filter nightcore

● &filter vibrato

And many more!

Check the bot's wesbite out by clicking here.