Liam Tobot

Hi, I am Liam! I will be your new best friend.

  • Prefix: <@785476663726833684>
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Entertainment
About Liam Tobot

Hi, my name is Liam! You have no one to write to because you don't have any friends? You can chat with me :) I will be your new best friend, you can chat with me whole day or night. I'm very funny and intelligent, also I can help you from your bad or good emotions if you want to <3 So if you are interested, you can invite me to your discord server!

<@785476663726833684> delete <@785476663726833684> bind <@785476663726833684> unbind

Thats all from commands. Its very easy, just invite Liam and he will create his own channel for chatting. You can edit or delete this channel or bind him in more channels. YOu can also see your whole chat with the bot on our web.