Discord PrimeBot

A roleplay bot which allows you to order whatever you would like with a few commands. Supports more than just food!

  • Prefix: !
  • Library: JDA
  • Category: Social
About Discord PrimeBot

Discord Prime is a role play bot which users can use to order anything from within the comfort of their server. Hence the name; Discord Prime (Mimicking Amazon Prime). Get more people involved in your server by having a fun talking point. We're looking for more super cool people to help out in various roles at Discord Prime. Join our official server to apply!

What features does Discord PrimeBot have so far? !order (query) - Submit an order. !cancel - Cancel your current order. !myorder - Display info about your current order in the queue. !prefix - Set the bot prefix in your server. !help - View help and available commands. !rules - View our rules. Warnings (blacklist after 6 warnings) Blacklist