Ultimate Embed Bot

Ultimate Embed Bot - The best utility bot for making and sending quick embeds.

  • Prefix: eb.
  • Library: discord.py
  • Category: Utility
About Ultimate Embed Bot

Ultimate Embed Bot

The best Discord bot for making and sending quick embeds, announcements, and polls.

Default Prefix: eb.


Now on Heroku, hosted 24/7! No interrupts!

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Embeds - The OG command to start the embed wizard. Running this command will make the bot ask you questions about the config of your embed. (Command: embed)


Polls and Suggestions - Polls and suggestions are another big part of the bot. These commands are not split up. For the poll command, provide these details in this order: [channel] ["question"] [options]. The question MUST be in double quotes. The options are just separated by spaces. (Example: eb.poll #general "Is this bot the best bot ever?" Yes Yes Yes) You can include up to 10 options.

Suggestions are a bit different. It requires a channel and a question, NOT IN QUOTES this time. eb.suggest [channel] [question]. Example: eb.suggest #general Should this bot get verified by Discord?


Moderation - Moderation is slightly developed, you can check out the commands by typing eb.help moderation.


Fun - Try eb.help image, eb.help api, eb.help fun, eb.help fact, eb.help ttt, and eb.help weatherutil for some fun, quirky, yet useful commands!


Math - A somewhat fully working calculator, with basic operations, along with a myriad of triginometric functions, like sin, cos, the inverses, h (whatever that is), plus some constants. Working on converting pi in user inputs to *3.1415926535.


Color Calculator - Mostly for converting colors from decimal to RGB, and vice versa - Useful for when the embed command asks for a color.


Still don't know what to do?

Type eb.help to get started!


Don't have a prefix/bot doesn't respond to commands?

Try mentioning the bot (@UltimateEmbed Bot), and if there is no prefix for your guild, DM minecraftpr03#1337 and they will get a prefix for your guild. Might take up to 30 min to push everything to Heroku, im still a noob at it.