Role Keeper

A bot that saves members roles in case they get kicked or left by a mistake, and automatically gives the roles back.

  • Prefix: rk
  • Library:
  • Category: Utility
About Role Keeper

Role Keeper

This bot will automatically give roles back to previous members, in case they leave your server! It's 100% free, and all roles are saved for 180 days before they are being removed from our database!


This bot is very easy to set up. The bot only need these four permissions: Send Messages, Read Messages, Embed Links and Manage Roles. Do not contact support if you haven't checked if the bot has the necessary permissions.

Also make sure that the bot has a role above all the other roles. If the bot isn't above all the other roles, it will not be able to give roles back to a member!


This bot doesn't have a lot of commands, since most of the stuff is done on the server side.

rk help - Shows all the current commands

rk setup - Shows if the bot has the needed permission to give roles, and the current position in the role hierarchy

rk blacklist - Shows the blacklisting commands

rk support <Question/problem/bug> - Explained further down.

How support works

This is a very simple bot, and i thought that it would be easier without a support server! But i needed a way to help you out if problems occur. If you need help, have a question, or find a bug, you need to use the command below:

rk support \<Some Question here\>

Example usage: rk support The bot doesn't give my members their roles back

The reply from the developer will appear in the channel where the command was used. If the channel is deleted, you won't get a reply. You can leave a server invite in the message if you want the developer to join your server, not needed though.

Invite here!

Why choose Role Keeper?

  1. Role Keeper is 100% free to use

  2. Every 12 hours, the bot will check for role changes to ensure an up to date database.

  3. Roles are kept for 6 months/180 days, this might change to a year or forever. This depends on how much storage is needed later on.

  4. Some bots don't give a muted role back to a member if they try to rejoin, but Role Keeper will.

  5. Very easy to setup, it's a bot you just have on your server with little to no interaction. You set it up, and forget about it.