
Keosa Bot makes your server better with easy to use slash commands.

  • Prefix: / (slash commands)
  • Library: discord.js
  • Category: Moderation
About Keosa

Hi! This is Keosa, a bot that makes your server better. It helps you in many things, like moderating your server, having fun and more. This is my first slash command based bot project, so there can be problems. Please let me know if you see an error.

Slash commands:

/meme <optional setting: subreddit>: Sends you a meme from r/memes! Optional "subreddit" setting will send you a post from the subreddit that you specified.

/info <required subcommand (one of them): user, server, bot>: Get info about anything you want! Required "user" subcommand will give you some info about the user you specified. Required "server" subcommand will give you some info about the server which you executed the command. Required "bot" subcommand will give you some info about me, hehehe. Working subcommands: "user" / Subcommands which is not ready: "server" and "bot"

/delete <required number>: Delete amount of messages you specified from the channel which you executed the command.

Help me to get verified by adding this bot to your server!